Spokane Birth Photographer CDA Birth photographer  Spokane newborn photographer PNW  Birth photographer

Birth. Your body was made for it.

Whether this is your first, or fifth birth you are about to embark on an amazingly difficult thing.

My job goes far beyond taking pictures for you. I'm there to romanticize your story, big and small, to preserve the sacredness of each moment for you..

Spokane Birth Photographer CDA Birth photographer  Spokane newborn photographer PNW  Birth photographer
Documentary Photographer

Hey there, I'm Kaylee

More About Me
Spokane Birth Photographer CDA Birth photographer  Spokane newborn photographer PNW  Birth photographer

How I document your labor and birth

Here's the thing, there's a lot of photographers out there– but when it comes to birth photography you NEED someone who knows their stuff. You need someone who is not just personally invested in you, but in the sacredness of your birth. You need someone who also knows how to document it, and someone who will GLADLY be ready in 2 seconds to be by your side, even if it’s at 3 in the morning. 

Spokane Birth Photographer CDA Birth photographer  Spokane newborn photographer PNW  Birth photographer

My work is documentary, genuine to your story, and emotive. Birth work is sacred work. I am unimaginably passionate about capturing your story, it truly is an honor.

Spokane Birth Photographer CDA Birth photographer  Spokane newborn photographer PNW  Birth photographer

Taking a SABBATICAL from birth work. See you again in 2025/26

Still available to document the other parts of your story

*Payment plans available*


UNLIMITED time in your birth from active labor- up to 2 hours post baby
On call starting at 37 weeks
70+ high resolution digital images

a non refundable deposit of $300 from the total to reserve your date.


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Spokane Family Photographer
Spokane Birth Photographer CDA Birth photographer  Spokane newborn photographer PNW  Birth photographer
Spokane Birth Photographer CDA Birth photographer  Spokane newborn photographer PNW  Birth photographer
Spokane Birth Photographer CDA Birth photographer  Spokane newborn photographer PNW  Birth photographer
Spokane Birth Photographer CDA Birth photographer  Spokane newborn photographer PNW  Birth photographer


I want to start off saying that photos are memories you get to keep forever, and having that captured shouldn't be a privilege. I want everyone to be able to get their brith documented.

I offer flexible, and customizable payment plans to give everyone this all inclusive experience. SO contact me and we will work together!


Registry's are a great way to get things for your upcoming season of life.

If you are wanting to add a birth package to your registry, I offer digital gift cards for your people to pitch-in on your session total. Babylist is also a great baby registry platform to add things from small businesses.

Spokane Birth Photographer CDA Birth photographer  Spokane newborn photographer PNW  Birth photographer

PNW Birth Photographer, Spokane birth, Spokane Home Birth, Idaho Home Birth, CDA Birth Photographer, Spokane birth togSp

"Kaylee was the photographer we hired for our first ever birth! We were drawn to her by openness and her intentionality for delivering exactly what we wanted! She knew all the special shots we wanted to have. There was no unique moment she didn’t capture! She was amazing! And we would definitely recommend her 1000 times!"

-Shannon H.

"Kaylee was the photographer we hired for our first ever birth! We were drawn to her by openness and her intentionality for delivering exactly what we wanted! She knew all the special shots we wanted to have. There was no unique moment she didn’t capture! She was amazing! And we would definitely recommend her 1000 times!"

-Shannon H.


How do you photograph births?

My job as a photographer/videographer is to DOCUMENT. When I arrive,( depending on fast paced your birth is) I will enter and sit, allowing you to get used to my presence. When I feel like you're comfortable with me I'll start shooting, with warning.

My entire goal for capturing your birth is being completely journalistic.

Where are you based and do you travel?

I'm based in Medical Lake WA. about 14 miles west of Spokane. How far away you are completely depends on how fast paced your labors usually are. The further you are the better communication I need.

When will we get our photos?

Depending on how fast paced your birth is, how many photos I have to cull through. I try to get preview photos in the next couple days. The full gallery could take up to 3 weeks.

I love the idea of Birth photos but don't want anything graphic

We will go over in depth your preferences. I ultimately want you to feel comfortable, and birth photography isn't only about the baby crowing. It's about the stuff that happens before and after!
